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ez breezy life

About the

ez breezy life

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,

and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

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to the tribe.


Welcome to the Tribe. The EZ  Breezy Life is for the woman who is everything to everyone but herself. Featuring women from over 50 countries, the EZ Breezy community is built on Jesus' call for us to bring all of our burdens to his feet -- a call to surrender. A call to surrender our fears and take up courage, pride for humility, hate for love, and sadness for joy beyond any life circumstance.


Who better to help women learn how to take on the attributes of Christ than other women?

Life can get hard...

If you find yourself here, it's likely because the journey of womanhood has presented you with its fair share of challenges. Whether it's trauma, abuse, financial struggles, or the heartache of broken relationships, know that you're not alone. Many of us have faced moments of crisis, holding onto hope with all our might.


Life can sometimes feel contradictory to the promises we hold dear. We're taught about healing, yet we've faced the pain of loss. We hear of an abundant life, yet financial struggles loom large. We're promised peace, yet find our relationships in disarray.


But here, whether you resonate more with the quiet reflection of Mary or the ceaseless activity of Martha, The EZ Breezy Life is about embracing our journey together. It's not about erasing our problems but about finding strength and joy in the midst of life's storms and wilderness. Join us as we learn to thrive, not just survive, with faith, resilience, and community by our side.

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me... 

for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

-Matthew 11:29-30

Oluwatayo Oluwadare_Dan Bassini_Weehawke

Issata O. is a leader, advocate, and lover of Christ. By day, she is a leader in higher education, and by night, she is a wife, student, and mother of two. She believes in transforming the lives of imperfect women through the grace of a perfect God. She is the founder of The EZ Breezy Life, Manny's Village, and Issata O. Inc. Learn more about Issata O. by visiting

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