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Strategies for Success: How Women in Academia Can Define Their Path


I recently had a truly inspiring experience that I'm eager to share with you, which ties directly into the beliefs we’ve often discussed about perseverance and the importance of being heard. Just yesterday, I had the privilege of speaking to over 100 dedicated women educators and administrators at the New Jersey American Council on Education (NJ ACE) Women's Network Spring Annual Conference (NJ ACE). It was a day filled with rich discussions about the current landscape of higher education, its unique challenges, and opportunities, particularly for us as women striving to define and achieve our own versions of success.

Throughout the event, I shared insights on navigating these complex environments and preparing strategically for future steps. This gathering wasn't just another professional meetup; it was a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, part of the ACE's national network, which spans across states and regions, all committed to advancing women in higher education. Remembering our conversations, I couldn’t help but think about how these were the exact type of influential, selfless women I envisioned when I founded EZ Breezy.

Transitioning from my role impacting 2,000 students as a dean to influencing tens of thousands through my platforms and presentations has been nothing short of exhilarating. This journey has exceeded every expectation, reminding me why our voices, especially when steeped in authenticity and love, truly matter. The conference flowed through a series of empowering exercises: assessing our professional landscapes, introspecting our personal habits and strategies, and setting concrete goals. These are reflective of the services I provide through Issata O Inc., where we utilize a blend of systems theory and strategic project management to not only envision but practically outline the steps to achieve our dreams.

Why blend in when you were made to stand out?

As I’ve watched you navigate your professional and personal growth, I'm reminded why it’s crucial not to give up on speaking one’s truth in love. The right people will hear you differently, understand your vision, and support your path forward. This is why I am reaching out specifically to you, to remind you that you’re not alone in this journey. If you ever need to re-align or propel yourself towards greater achievements, remember I am here to help guide and support you. Whether it’s organizational change, leadership development, or simply needing a motivational push, consider booking a one-on-one call with me. Together, we can set the stage for the next level of your success, ensuring that your voice is not only heard but celebrated and acted upon.

For more details on how we can work together towards your goals, visit my website at Issata O Inc. and schedule a discovery call directly through this link.

I look forward to reconnecting and helping you navigate your next steps with confidence and clarity. Let’s continue to inspire and uplift each other, as we always have.

His yoke is EZ, and His Burden is Light....#EZBL

Issata 💖

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