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Relationships end because it's time

The past couple of months of my life have been quite interesting. I mentioned in an earlier post that a friend of mine encouraged me to begin pruning my relational circles. As I began to envision the direction my life was headed in, I prayed for guidance on who to keep and who to create distance with.

To my surprise, God answered my prayer by essentially asking me to remove anyone in my life who behaved or reminded me of the old me. The old angry me, the old loud me, the old cutting me. He asked me to remove anyone who encouraged behaviors that weren’t in alignment with the word of God in my life. 

It was hard. 

I have watched God sever relationships I thought I would keep for a lifetime, and, I have also watched him bring the most unlikely mentors and women into my life. But just because the bible tells us to put away the old us, doesn’t mean there isn’t a process.

'You must put away the nature that you had before. That old nature deceived you. As a result, you wanted to do things that would destroy you. Take up the new nature that God has prepared for you. That nature is like God's own nature . Then you will live in a truly good way that pleases God. Instead, let God's Spirit make you think in a new way. ' - Ephesians 4:22-24

Change is hard. Change is a struggle, but a beautiful worthwhile struggle it is. I call this chapter of my life, “Rehab.” God is undoing the damage of years of trauma and rebuilding a new, different version of me. So...

"If I don’t pick up the phone like I used to for you, don’t you take it personal.”  - Michelle, Destiny Fulfilled

The truth is, it’s not you, it’s me. I am the one who changed, and I have no intention of going back to my old ways. 

How have you felt when a friendship or any kind of relationship ends, even if you know that's part of God's plan for you?

Tell me all about it on Facebook and Instagram!




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